So I'm seriously thinking about trying to be a part of the upcoming America's Next Top Model.
There's an open casting call at the Mall of America two weeks from today, and the closer it gets, the more it's on my mind. I guess I've already decided that it's something I'd definitely like to do, but I guess it's just a matter of whether or not NOW is the right time. I'm sure there'll be another "cycle" as they call it within the next year. If I wait, it would give me enough time to really concentrate on getting back to my top physical condition. I would have a better chance to prepare to take time off from my job if I was selected too. I mean, I don't even have a passport yet (which they require you to have of course), so I need time & money to get one. Aren't they like $80 or something?
On the other hand, I guess I don't really have anything to loose by going to try out. If I get chosen to move on to the semi-finals/finals I'll obviously be happy about it and I'm sure I'd find a way for the rest of my life to work around it. I'm confidant that my friends, family & employers would be completely supportive.
I just spent the last 1/2 hour reading through the application, and the more and more I read it, the more I feel like this is really something I would have a good shot at. It seems like I'm the type of girl they're looking for. I guess we'll see.